Design your own Circuit Boards using Kicad Part 1 (FREE software)

評分2.1(10)·免費·教育ThisFREEdownloadiscapableofdoingsmallprojects.ItisanintegratedPCBlayoutdesignenvironmentfortheboarddesignerwhodoeslayoutworkand ...,Eagle:Eagle是一款商业化的电路板设计软件,具有强大的功能和丰富的元件库。·KiCad:KiCad是一款开...。參考影片的文章的如下:



評分 2.1 (10) · 免費 · 教育 This FREE download is capable of doing small projects. It is an integrated PCB layout design environment for the board designer who does layout work and ...


Eagle:Eagle是一款商业化的电路板设计软件,具有强大的功能和丰富的元件库。 · KiCad:KiCad是一款开源的电路板设计软件,具有强大的功能和丰富的元件库。

PCB Design software recommendations?

Full -unlimited- free packages are Osmond PCB, EasyEDA, PCB, KiCAD… to name a few. A variety of CAD programs offer PCB libraries, but they might ...


LibrePCB is a free, cross-platform, easy-to-use electronic design automation suite to draw schematics and design printed circuit boards – for makers, students ... Download · Quickstart Tutorial · Documentation · A Tool For Everyone

Best PCB Design Software for Mac

Compare the Top PCB Design Software for Mac as of February 2025 · 1. EasyEDA. EasyEDA · 2. KiCad EDA. KiCad EDA · 3. Autodesk Fusion 360. Autodesk · 4. Autodesk ...


The best PCB design software and high-powered tools for PCB designers. Industry-leading schematic capture, layout and prototyping tools. EDA / CAD.

OrCAD X Platform - PCB Design Software

OrCAD X empowers electrical engineers and PCB designers to create, design, analyze, and collaborate through schematic capture, simulation, PCB layout, ...


Open source EDA / electronics CAD software for Windows, macOS and Linux. Use schematic capture, create PCB designs and view them in 3D, all forever free.

What is the best free PCB softwares for Mac 1.15.7?

I've been using and still use Kicad! 100% the best free and so good! Use it to design all my Amplifier PCB's.

Professional CAD Software for PCB Design on MacOS

Altium: Altium is my favorite one of all, but it is also the most expensive. Basically, it has all the features you'll need with a good workflow ...


評分2.1(10)·免費·教育ThisFREEdownloadiscapableofdoingsmallprojects.ItisanintegratedPCBlayoutdesignenvironmentfortheboarddesignerwhodoeslayoutworkand ...,Eagle:Eagle是一款商业化的电路板设计软件,具有强大的功能和丰富的元件库。·KiCad:KiCad是一款开源的电路板设计软件,具有强大的功能和丰富的元件库。,Full-unlimited-freepackagesareOsmondPCB,EasyEDA,PCB,KiCAD…tonameafew.AvarietyofCADprogramsofferPCBl...